Playing to the Gallery

I felt quite sick listening to Oscar Pistorius start giving evidence in his murder trial in South Africa yesterday, perhaps because he began with a self-serving stunt, playing to the public gallery and the family of his dead girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, whose mother was in court to see justice done on behalf of her daughter.

Now remember it's Oscar's position that this was all just a terrible accident and that he is not in anyway culpable for the death of Reeva Steenkamp - and that when the trial is finished he ought to walk away Scot-free, a completely innocent man who is guilty of no wrongdoing. 

Anyway back to the trial where apart from droning on endlessly about himself and how terrible he felt about his girlfriend's violent death, Oscar was at pains to tell the world that he was a religious person, as if with God on his side no one could possibly doubt his word or version of events.

All of which seems perfectly despicable to me, not the behaviour of truly remorseful person who accepts responsibility for his actions and is prepared to take the consequences for taking a completely innocent person's life, whatever those consequences might be. 

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